We are Here, the exhibition at the Petit Palais

We are Here, the exhibition at the Petit Palais

The Petit Palais Hosts Urban Art: A Unique Exhibition

For the first time, the Petit Palais opens its doors to urban artists with a unique exhibition. "We Are Here" establishes a dialogue between the museum's permanent collections and the majestic architecture of the Petit Palais, while celebrating the works that have adorned our streets for decades.

Iconic street artists such as Shepard Fairey, Invader, Inti, D*Face, Vhils, Seth, Cleon Peterson, Hush, Swoon, Add Fuel, and many others have created monumental works specifically for this exhibition. Their creations blend seamlessly with the masterpieces of the Petit Palais, offering a new and fascinating perspective on street art.

An Immersive Dive into the World of Street Art

The exhibition's itinerary offers a true immersion into the world of street art, with more than 200 works on display. These works pay homage to the historic art salons of the 19th and 20th centuries, such as the Salon des Refusés and the Salon d’Automne, which were scenes of major artistic revolutions. The immersive scenography of the exhibition invites visitors to rediscover this art movement, often seen on the streets, within the sumptuous setting of the Petit Palais.

Fusion of Tradition and Modernity

This exhibition offers a new interpretation of the museum's classic works through the lens of street art. Visitors can admire contemporary creations alongside traditional artworks, providing a unique fusion of generations and artistic cultures.

A Playful and Interactive Exploration

The first part of the exhibition is presented as a treasure hunt. Visitors are encouraged to explore the museum's permanent collections to discover hidden street art pieces. Some creations are concealed on statues, under paintings, or in display cases, offering a playful and interactive experience.

Reflections on Historical Struggles

The title "We Are Here" refers to the struggles for civil rights and the assertion of street art's legitimacy. The exhibition highlights the importance of this street art, which has transitioned from popular neighborhoods to major Parisian museums. It addresses themes of inequality, civil rights, and identity, offering a deep reflection on our society.

Street art enthusiasts, do not miss this original and captivating exhibition, free to visit at the Petit Palais this summer. Enjoy your stay in Paris and explore the city's artistic treasures! We look forward to welcoming you at the Hôtel Moderniste!

Until 17/11/24. Open Tuesday to Saturday from 10 AM to 6 PM.

Photo ©Guilhem Vellut from Paris, FranceCC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons


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