Olympism: a History of the World, at the Palais de la Porte Dorée

Olympism: a History of the World, at the Palais de la Porte Dorée

The year 2024 is a momentous one for France, as it hosts the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris for the first time in a century. To celebrate this event, the Palais de la Porte Dorée is presenting the exhibition "Olympism, a World History," offering a captivating immersion into 130 years of Olympic history, covering global crises, social struggles, and sporting achievements.

A Chronological Exploration of the Olympiads

This exhibition traces each Olympiad, from the first modern Games in Athens in 1896 to those in Paris in 2024, including the canceled editions of 1916, 1940, and 1944. More than 600 works, original documents, archival films, and photographs are on display, showcasing geopolitical, social, and cultural evolutions through the feats of the greatest Olympic champions.

The Secrets of the Olympic Games

Delve into the behind-the-scenes of 33 Olympiads, where each edition of the Games tells a part of our global history. The exhibition highlights challenges and struggles for equality, against racism and discrimination, as well as battles for inclusion, parity, and civil rights. Discover how the Games have evolved to reflect societal changes, including women's rights, the fight against racism, and ecological challenges.

A Commitment to Universal Values

Accompanied by a rich and detailed catalog, this exhibition reaffirms the Palais de la Porte Dorée's commitment to the values of Olympism. It offers a unique opportunity to reflect on the struggles for equality and justice while celebrating the sporting successes that have marked history.

Don't miss this exceptional opportunity to discover the history of the Olympic Games and to dive into a century of sociocultural evolutions through the exhibition "Olympism, a World History" at the Palais de la Porte Dorée. If you are looking for a place to stay, the Hôtel Moderniste welcomes you in the heart of the 15th arrondissement for a memorable stay!

Until September 8, 2024. Open Tuesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Photo ©Peter Robbins - Unsplash

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